Frank Prattle with Zefrey Throwell

James Fuentes, May 13th, 2009
May 13, 2009, 4:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

James Fuentes Zefrey Throwell

James Fuentes (James Fuentes LLC)

Down on St. James Place, at the edge of Chinatown, James Fuentes has carved out an amazing space for himself. Showing some of the most exciting new artists in NYC, Fuentes is a real life embodiement of the American Dream. Growing up mere blocks from the gallery and then moving to the South Bronx, he has risen to be one of the more interesting gallerists working today. Listen along as we discuss being chewed up and spit out by collaborators who get busted for faking Basquiats, the voracious appetite for youth that consumes modern collectors, Agathe Snow, Deitch Projects and Lombard Freid Projects, Art Star television, and much much more.
